Sustainable Employment Strategies Through Access to Inclusive Education (SESIE) Project

Education can be neither universal nor equitable if it is less accessible to some sections of society than it is to others. The inclusive and quality education concepts assert that attaining education and inclusivity for all as part of overall development starts with education that is based on “acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to children (with/without disability), individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford. By educating all learners in settings that provide for inclusion and good quality educational outcome, we, as friends, are able to address the lack of effective guiding strategies for implementing inclusive education, inadequacy of reliable data which culminates in restricted provision of accurate/concise depiction of reality of learners with disabilities with regards to education.
0.00% Raised
$10.00 donated of $500,000.00 goal
1 Donors
Campaign has ended
  For Offline Payments:

Our Banking Details:> Name Of The Bank: ABSA Account Name: Africa Disability Alliance Account Number: 4058815392 Branch Code: 632 005 Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ

ADA’s Sustainable Employment Strategies Through Access to Inclusive Education (SESIE)

Education can be neither universal nor equitable if it is less accessible to some sections of society than it is to others. The inclusive and quality education concepts assert that attaining education and inclusivity for all as part of overall development starts with education that is based on “acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to children (with/without disability), individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford.

By educating all learners in settings that provide for inclusion and good quality educational outcome, we, as friends, are able to address the lack of effective guiding strategies for implementing inclusive education, inadequacy of reliable data which culminates in restricted provision of accurate/concise depiction of reality of learners with disabilities with regards to education.

We also address the inherent capacity deficiency of teachers to provide quality teaching/ learning due to lack of adapted and diversified curricula that caters for (all) learners (with/without disabilities). Educated learners are able to provide for themselves and their families and contribute to a World We All Want!

Our target of US$450 000 V (R5 000 000 converted) will enable ADA to support eleven (11) inclusive/ quality education schools and learning centres that are part ADA’s SESIE school adoption programme.